Three hackers from Córdoba at C0r0n4CON, a charity congress – CORDÓPOLIS

A teacher and his students at IES Fidiana – EUROPAPRESS
Geolocalising users without permission like Covid19
Geolocalising users without permission like Covid19
A teacher and his students at IES Fidiana – EUROPAPRESS
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Three hackers from Córdoba at C0r0n4CON, a charity congress – CORDÓPOLIS

Eduardo Sánchez (@edusatoe) along with Rafael Sojo (@RaSr98), Miguel Ángel Arroyo (@miguel_arroyo76) and 80 other speakers will give a presentation at the C0r0n4con online Cybersecurity congress. All this to help raise funds for the Cruz Roja to help in the fight against the pandemic caused by COVID-19.